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Train your resources to reap full benefits of any software implementation

Your ERP solution is just the beginning

The software integration that you opt for promises your business growth, business intelligence and paves the way for your business to expand. All this is only possible if operated by users who know how to get the most of the software you have chosen.

Training and development of users are of crucial importance in this entire process. If your users are trained from the very beginning of ERP implementation, your way to success can be achieved in a time & cost-efficient manner.

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Training customized to your business needs

Our experts use their years of experience and an in-depth knowledge of software implementation to create ERP training programs that serve your needs. They work with you to identify areas that need the most attention and then set to develop bespoke programs of training and development of your resources. Our training program facility includes the following services:

  • Analysis and identification of training needs
  • Instructor-led training (On-site/ Remote)
  • Training materials
  • Develop skills of your employees so that they can extend these training to new resources.
  • Provision of need-based training programs

Our after sale services involve troubleshooting assistance, mission-critical support, resolve operational and compatibility questions, and support during system upgrades. And access to the online customer support web portal for you, to get instant solutions.

Encourage your employees to gain training on the latest tech


Increase your ROI and boost user adoption of the latest tech by providing them with excellent training programs that not only
benefit your company but also add to their career profiles. On the other hand, an inadequate training class can cause
fatal hindrances in the successful application of an ERP system. Think about ease of user adoption before implementation.

Remotely available Microsoft Dynamics Training

Take the advantage of online training that eliminate the hurdle of geographical boundaries. Subscribe to Microsoft Dynamics training plan to get access to a plethora of training courses. Microsoft CustomerSource offers the following:

  • Unlimited online training
  • Certification and training materials
  • Technical documentation
  • Self-help tools

Access your account information, technical software updates, and downloads, 24/7 online support and more, with CustomerSource

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Complimentary Webinar Services

You get access to weekly webinar services by Dynamics Solutions. They provide in-depth product demonstrations and best practices for Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Dynamics AX, and Dynamics 365.

Do not be worried if you miss a webinar, they record everything so that you never miss out on a webinar. Simply opt for Dynamics Solutions OnDemand webinars.

Microsoft Events & User Groups


Microsoft Dynamics never stops innovating. With every innovation comes the necessary
training demand that they meet efficiently through events and user groups, such as D365/AX User Group (AXUG),
NAV User Group (NAVUG) and CRM User Group (CRMUG). They also conduct Annual User Group Meetings that
are initiated by independent organizations to discuss latest developments.